1. Find a suitable environment. Choose a quiet place to follow your English classes online. Ideally, it should be a quiet, well-lit and ventilated space to improve concentration. Lying on the couch is not the best option. Choose a comfortable table and chair.
2. Keep order. Another important aspect to take into account is to order the workspaces. When you sit down at the computer, try to have everything you need to give your class on hand, but only what you need.
3. Prepare for the class as if it were face-to-face. It is important to maintain a positive attitude not to spend the day in pyjamas, as this attitude helps to reluctance. Get dressed for class. It can be comfortable clothes from home, but not in pyjamas.

4. Check your connection. Make sure all cables are properly plugged in, or that Wi-Fi is working and all your devices have an internet connection. Maybe if you have a poor connection, you can talk to your company to increase the connection speed temporarily while the quarantine lasts, to avoid problems with data consumption. Usually the connections offer worse speed for uploading data. If this is your case, disconnect your camera and leave only the microphone active. In this way, the most fluid class will surely reach you.
5. Turn off or silence the mobile. Unless you do not have another device to teach the class, the ideal is to avoid all sources of distraction. Just as in face-to-face class you would not be looking at instagram or facebook while the teacher talks, in online English classes you should not be aware of your mobile if you really want to take advantage of them.
6. Get familiar with the virtual platform. Test sessions are usually done before starting virtual classes. Make sure that you attend them to understand how the platform works and to be able to solve possible errors that arise. So, you won’t have to keep an eye on it during a real class.

7. Use a headset with a microphone. This is totally recommended. They don’t have to be a gaming headset. A typical mobile phone headset is enough. This will not only make you listen better, but it will prevent noises from your home from reaching the teacher and all your classmates, thus worsening the quality of the class.
8. Plan your time. It is important to remember that we are not on vacation. Make a calendar with the delivery of activities that your teachers propose, and set a weekly routine to differentiate yourself from the weekends. .
9. Don’t hesitate to ask. Your teacher is still there for whatever you need. Even if you are not sharing the same physical space with them, you can still participate and ask everything you need. They are there to help you get the most out of your online English classes!